Best melting cheese for mac and cheese
Best melting cheese for mac and cheese

My favorites are fontina, monterey jacks, cheddars (sharp especially for us), gouda, edam, gruyere, mozzarella, parmesan, romano, and provolone. Well hubby is up and changing the clocks so now I am going back to bed. Thanks everyone on your kind thoughts on losing my little Merlyn - I know it happens to all loving pet owners but your kind words help, Thanks. But the ones the girls wear now leave to much stuff hanging out for the world to see. I remember bikini's from the 60's and my stuff was OK then to stuff into a bikini but have too much stuff to stuff into one now. As for candace66 - I think the "kid" should be let in based on the grandma factor -and I always read and enjoy her comments. We get a lot of light here and picking colors can be a bit of a task but the light at the beach is not the same so I think all these new beach glass colors would work but I love whites in beach houses, but more of a warm white, right now I like Behr "Antique White " - It seems to work anywhere. A chinook sky is a wonderus thing to look at - with the warm air coming over the mountains it forms an arch/ridge in the cloud from north to south. Thanks Feeny for the perfect explanation of a chinook - it's the rapid change in pressure and also strong winds - this was a gift from change in hormones - thankyou God, and this just proves God is a male. I will go back to bed when my hubby gets up. HI - Good morning Girls ! I was up at 5 00 this morning but it was really 4 00 - my body is going to take a few days to get into the right time zone again. Probably need to measure your existing oven and take the measurements to the store to check out against new ovens. I've never baked a turkey the size you probably would but I believe many ovens today are quite small - the main complaint I have heard now is that Costco's pizzas don't fit into them - seems that is really important!!! LOL. They are also great for warming plates to keep food hotter after you have served it. That probably wouldn't work though, I think you would prefer to carve the bird at the table wouldn't you?. I wouldn't plan on leaving things in it for hours though, you would need to partially cook your sides and set aside while the turkey cooks and then put the sides back in the oven to finish off while you rest the turkey and carve and if necessary wrap the carved meat in foil for the warming drawer while the sides finish cooking.

best melting cheese for mac and cheese

Things will eventually dry out in the warming drawer and need to be foil covered to keep moisture in, but if you are cooking for a crowd it takes the stress out of ensuring everything cooks and is ready to serve at the same time. I don't see the warming drawers much now, but I don't know how I will live without it.

best melting cheese for mac and cheese

Paulamig - I can't offer much help here as I don't know your brands but my old oven that is about to be pensioned off was quite large with a grill and rotisserie and underneath was a warming drawer.

Best melting cheese for mac and cheese